Presenting Sponsor Level

Entitlement Benefits   

The event will be titled “The M22 Challenge, presented by “__________”. Presenting sponsor will receive business category exclusivity and will retain the first right of negotiation after agreement expiration. 

Event Signage

Finish line banners will include the Presenting Sponsor logo and four (4) banner positions along the event perimeter.

Loyalty Benefits  

Presenting Sponsors promotional materials may be distributed at registration at the M22 shop in Glen Arbor (Sponsor must provide a representative and set up by 2pm). Presenting Sponsor may provide a representative at the awards celebration to co-present the winners. 

Advertising Benefits   

Presenting Sponsor will be attached to radio co-sponsors’ pre-event campaign. Sponsor logo will be prominently placed on Event Shirt (900 total). Presenting Sponsor will be hyper-linked year-round to M22 Challenge Internet home page, and may incorporate its affiliation in its own advertising for the duration of this contract, with written approval.

Additional Activation Opportunities   

Presenting Sponsor will receive mentions in social media outlets before and during event. Additional cross-promotional opportunities are encouraged. 

Public Relations

Presenting Sponsor will be attached to a comprehensive media program. Press release distribution will include radio and television sports directors. Presenting Sponsor involvement will be mentioned in email communications with event participants. 

General Housekeeping

Presenting Sponsor will be named as an additional assigned insured on M22 Challenge liability insurance policy. 


Presenting Sponsor will provide sponsorship investment of $10,000.